mercredi 10 novembre 2010
Miracle à 500 mètres
Vous souhaitez faire un pèlerinage mais la marche c'est pas votre fort et vous préférez les routes goudronnées de la capitale aux chemins de terre qui mènent à Saint-Jacques de Compostelle ? Ne bougez pas ou du moins pas trop : sortez à droite de l'hôtel, remontez la rue de Vaugirard, prenez la rue Saint Placide à gauche, continuez toujours tout droit, traversez la rue de Sèvres et vous êtes arrivé. Puisque on vous a dit que c'était pas loin.
A 500 mètres tout au plus de l'Hôtel Aviatic se trouve, au 140 rue du Bac, la Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-la-médaille-miraculeuse (également appelée "La Chapelle de la rue du Bac" ) bâtie sur les lieux de l’apparition présumée de la Sainte Vierge à sainte Catherine Labouré.
Selon l'histoire, la nuit du 19 juillet 1830, jour de la fête de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Catherine Labouré fut réveillée par un petit enfant qui lui dit : « Ma sœur, tout le monde dort bien ; venez à la chapelle ; la Sainte Vierge vous attend. ». Croyant rêver, Catherine se lève, s'habille et suit l'enfant. Arrivée à la chapelle, Catherine entend bientôt le froufrou d'une robe de soie. La sainte Vierge est là, resplendissante, et lui parle pendant deux heures, lui confiant que Dieu a une difficile mission pour elle.
Le 27 novembre 1830, Catherine rapporta que la sainte Vierge revint lors de la méditation du soir. La Vierge se tenait debout sur un globe, piétinant un serpent et portant des anneaux de différentes couleurs d'où jaillissaient des rayons de lumière sur le globe. Tout autour apparaissaient les mots « Ô Marie, conçue sans péché, priez pour nous qui avons recours à vous », et la Vierge dit : « C'est l'image des grâces que je répands sur les personnes qui me les demandent » , et pour expliquer les anneaux qui ne projettent pas de rayons, elle ajouta : « C'est l'image des grâces que l'on oublie de me demander ». Puis le tableau parut se retourner. C'est le revers de la médaille : un grand M, initiale de Marie, surmonté d'une croix. Au-dessous, deux cœurs : celui de Jésus, couronné d'épines, et celui de Marie, percé par le glaive, douze étoiles entourant ce tableau.
Catherine entendit alors Marie lui demander de porter ces images à son confesseur, en lui disant de les frapper sur des médailles car « tous ceux qui le porteront recevront ces grâces » .
Les apparitions de la chapelle de la médaille miraculeuse ont été reconnues par le Vatican en 1946, depuis la chapelle est devenue un lieu de pèlerinage... à deux pas de l'hôtel.
A miracle just 500 metres away
You want to go on a pilgrimage but walking isn’t your strong point and you prefer the tarred streets of the capital to the dirt tracks leading to Santiago de Compostela anyway. Well, don’t move, or at least don’t move too much: leave the hotel, go up rue Vaugirard, turn left into rue Saint Placide, go straight on, cross rue de Sèvres and you’re there. We told you it wasn’t far.
Situated 500 metres at the most from the Hotel Aviatic is La Chapelle Notre Dame de la medaille miraculeuse (Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal), sometimes known as La chapelle de la rue du Bac. The chapel, at 140 rue du Bac, was built on the site where the Blessed Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Catherine Labouré.
Legend has it that on the night of 19 July 1830 Catherine Lebouré was woken by a small child who said to her "Sister, everyone is sleeping, come to the chapel, the Blessed Virgin is waiting for you". Thinking it a dream, Catherine got up, dressed and followed the child. On arriving at the chapel, Catherine heard the rustling of a silk dress. The Blessed Virgin appeared, radiant, and spoke to her for two hours, telling her that God had a difficult mission for her.
On 27 November 1930, Catherine reported that the Blessed Virgin had come back to her during evening medidation. The Virgin appeared in an oval frame, standing on a globe, wearing rings of different colours, most of which shone rays of light onto the globe. Around the frame appeared the words "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee". The Virgin said "This is the image of the graces which I give to those who ask", and to explan the rings which did not shine a light, she added "Those are the graces for which people forget to ask". The image then appeared to rotate, showing the back of the medal: a large letter M for Mary, surmounted by a cross. Above this were two hearts: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, crowned with thorns, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, pierced by a sword, with twelve stars around the image.
Catherine then heard Mary ask her to take these images to her confessor, and to tell him to cast them onto medals as "all who will wear them will receive graces".
The apparitions of the Chapel of the Miraculaous Medal were recognised by the Vatican in 1946, and since then the chapel has been a place of pilgrimage…just a short stroll from the hotel.
Situated 500 metres at the most from the Hotel Aviatic is La Chapelle Notre Dame de la medaille miraculeuse (Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal), sometimes known as La chapelle de la rue du Bac. The chapel, at 140 rue du Bac, was built on the site where the Blessed Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Catherine Labouré.
Legend has it that on the night of 19 July 1830 Catherine Lebouré was woken by a small child who said to her "Sister, everyone is sleeping, come to the chapel, the Blessed Virgin is waiting for you". Thinking it a dream, Catherine got up, dressed and followed the child. On arriving at the chapel, Catherine heard the rustling of a silk dress. The Blessed Virgin appeared, radiant, and spoke to her for two hours, telling her that God had a difficult mission for her.
On 27 November 1930, Catherine reported that the Blessed Virgin had come back to her during evening medidation. The Virgin appeared in an oval frame, standing on a globe, wearing rings of different colours, most of which shone rays of light onto the globe. Around the frame appeared the words "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee". The Virgin said "This is the image of the graces which I give to those who ask", and to explan the rings which did not shine a light, she added "Those are the graces for which people forget to ask". The image then appeared to rotate, showing the back of the medal: a large letter M for Mary, surmounted by a cross. Above this were two hearts: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, crowned with thorns, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, pierced by a sword, with twelve stars around the image.
Catherine then heard Mary ask her to take these images to her confessor, and to tell him to cast them onto medals as "all who will wear them will receive graces".
The apparitions of the Chapel of the Miraculaous Medal were recognised by the Vatican in 1946, and since then the chapel has been a place of pilgrimage…just a short stroll from the hotel.
lundi 4 octobre 2010
Une agence de voyage... pour vos bagages !
A force de faire du shopping dans les rues commerçantes de la capitale ou de chiner aux marchés aux puces vous avez fini par le trouver ! Vous avez tellement transpirer pour le ramener qu'on dirait qu'on vient de vous balancer dans la Seine. Peu importe, il est là devant vous et vous l'admirez, un sourire béat collé au visage. Il faut dire qu'un jeu complet d'haltères en plomb massif datant des années 50, ça ne court pas les rues. De retour à la maison c'est votre grand père haltérophile qui va être content ! Et c'est là que tout à coup vous y pensez pour la première fois : comment rapporter tout ça au pays ? Ça va vous coûter une fortune en supplément bagages !!! Vos mains tremblent, la température de votre corps augmente de 10 degrés, vous transpirez de plus belle. Angoisse !!! Que faire ?
Primo : prenez une douche, vous ne voudriez tout de même pas salir le magnifique plaid signé Manuel Canovas qui orne votre lit. D'autant plus que le réceptionniste vous l'a dit, l'Hôtel Aviatic a récemment été rénové. Secundo : contactez Situé dans le 11ème arrondissement, Bagages du Monde est une agence de voyage pas comme les autres. Membre du réseau "World Bagage Network", Bagages du Monde permet d'acheminer des effets personnels ou des animaux domestiques dans le monde entier à un tarif très préférentiel (devis disponible en ligne). Ce service permet plusieurs options, de l'enlèvement à l'hôtel jusqu'à la livraison directement à votre domicile à une heure que vous aurez choisie. Vous voyez, pas de quoi s'affoler, ils s'occupent de tout.
Vous vous endormez le cœur léger, heureux d'avoir résolu votre problème. Demain vous partez au Japon, votre grand-mère aime les sumotori.
A travel agency…for your luggage!
After some intense shopping in the streets of the capital or one of its famous flea markets, you’ve finally found it! You’ve sweated so much bringing it back that it looks like you’ve fallen in the Seine. But never mind, you’ve got it back to the hotel now so you can sit back and admire it with a smug smile on your face. And solid lead dumbbells from the 1950s aren’t exactly ten a penny. When you get back home, your weight-lifting grandfather will certainly be happy!
And that’s when it suddenly hits you: how on earth are you going to get them back home? It’s going to cost you a fortune in excess baggage!!! Your hands start shaking, your body temperature jumps up by ten degrees, and you’re now sweating even more than when you carried them back to the hotel. Panic!!! What are you going to do???
First things first, have a shower – you don’t want to dirty the beautiful Manuel Canovas blanket adorning your bed. Especially as, as the receptionist just mentioned, the Hotel Aviatic has just been renovated. Next head straight to
Situated in the 11th arrondissement, Bagages du Monde is a travel agency like no other. A member of the World Baggage Network, Bagages du Monde allows you to send your belongings or beloved pets throughout the world at very reasonable rates (quotes available online). They can collect the item from the hotel and then deliver it right to your door at your chosen time. You see? No need to panic, they will take care of everything.
You fall asleep peacefully, happy to have solved your problem. Tomorrow you’re off to Japan. Your grandmother likes sumo wrestlers, maybe you should bring one back..
lundi 16 août 2010
Paris vu du ciel
En 2006 avec son ouvrage "La Terre vue du Ciel" Yann Arthus-Bertrand connaît un succès phénoménal. La photo d'une clairière en forme de cœur dans un océan de verdure forestière a fait le tour du monde. Depuis, le photographe a décliné son concept et tourné en 2009 un documentaire "Home" état des lieux inquiétant de la planète.
Aujourd'hui Yann Arthus-Bertrand a repris de la hauteur (l'équivalent, s'il existait, du 200ème étage de l'Hôtel Aviatic) et une caméra pour filmer "Paris vu du Ciel" (un recueil de photographies du même nom avait déjà été édité) et le résultat est à couper le souffle. Admirez plutôt.
Unusual: Paris from Above
The 2006 release of his book "The Earth from Above" made Yann Arthus-Bertrand a phenomenal success. His photo of a heart-shaped clearing in an ocean of forest was a success across the world. Since then, the photographer has branched out and in 2009 filmed the documentary "Home", showing the worrying state of the planet.
Today Yann Arthus-Bertrand has headed for the skies again (the equivalent of the 200th floor of the Hotel Aviatic, if there was such a thing), video camera in hand, to film "Paris vu du Ciel" (Paris from Above) and the result is breathtaking. Have a look.
vendredi 6 août 2010
Open air cinema festival
Fed up with summer blockbusters in over-air-conditioned cinemas? Feel like an activity that’s both outdoorsy and cultural? Head for the parc de la Villette. Get out your picnic, crack open your bottle of rosé and lie down in the soft grass. As night falls, the stars begin to twinkle and the giant screen lights up. Lights, camera, action!
The annual La Villette open air cinema festival runs until 22 August. The festival, which is free (deckchairs can be rented for 7 euros) and open to all, is this year celebrating its 20th birthday with the appropriate theme "Avoir 20 ans" (Being 20).
And what filmmaker doesn’t have a soft spot for what is supposed to be the best year of your life, where everything is possible but where the decisions you make are so life-changing and unalterable…
Like the world which creates it, youth is golden, carefree, rebellious, distraught, violent, suicidal.
And watching these films will perhaps confirm that even if twenty isn’t necessarily the best age in life, there is hardly any other age that we miss so much!
Filmmakers from around the world have the honour of blowing out the 20 candles at Paris cinema-fans’ favourite event: Europe – François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Ken Loach, Maurice Pialat, Leos Carax, Abdellatif Kechiche, Cristian Mungiu; America – Woody Allen, Sofia Coppola, Jim Jarmusch; Asia: Liu Jie, Hong Sang-Soo... and many others.
See full details of the event
To get there from the Hotel Aviatic, take line 4 northbound from Montparnasse-Bienvenüe, then change at the Gare de l’Est and take line 7 northbound to Porte de la Villette.
The annual La Villette open air cinema festival runs until 22 August. The festival, which is free (deckchairs can be rented for 7 euros) and open to all, is this year celebrating its 20th birthday with the appropriate theme "Avoir 20 ans" (Being 20).
And what filmmaker doesn’t have a soft spot for what is supposed to be the best year of your life, where everything is possible but where the decisions you make are so life-changing and unalterable…
Like the world which creates it, youth is golden, carefree, rebellious, distraught, violent, suicidal.
And watching these films will perhaps confirm that even if twenty isn’t necessarily the best age in life, there is hardly any other age that we miss so much!
Filmmakers from around the world have the honour of blowing out the 20 candles at Paris cinema-fans’ favourite event: Europe – François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Ken Loach, Maurice Pialat, Leos Carax, Abdellatif Kechiche, Cristian Mungiu; America – Woody Allen, Sofia Coppola, Jim Jarmusch; Asia: Liu Jie, Hong Sang-Soo... and many others.
See full details of the event
To get there from the Hotel Aviatic, take line 4 northbound from Montparnasse-Bienvenüe, then change at the Gare de l’Est and take line 7 northbound to Porte de la Villette.
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